Well Lets see, where do I start. Oh yeah, Friday, the day we get Cole-Train. We started out this weekend with no plans and hopeing to have a fun filled weekend with Cole. Everytime we have Cole, we try to pay more one on one attention to him, don't get me wrong, we do pay attention to out little on as well. On Friday after work, Wes went and picked up Cole and went to get our Jeep fixed. We thought all this stuff was wrong with it. The radio didn't work, the alarm went off when we tried to unlock it with the key, the keyless entry didn't work, and even the alarm sometimes wouldn't go off when we cranked it. How crazy is that? Wes and Cole took it to a good friend Kalin Beavers and replaced the radio and then everything started working. God is good isn't he!HOW AMAZING IS OUR GOD!
On Saturday I had to work until two. I usually bring Marley to work with me so Wes and Cole can have some one on one time together. This time I didn't. By twelve o'clock, I had recieved three photo messages of MaeJae in three different outfits. Wes and cole had been playing dress up with MaeJae all morning long. There is no telling how many outfits they had already put on her. What a wonderful daddy and brother she has. Then Cole decided to put Wes' old suit on that Wes wore when he was 9. Believe it or not, it was actually tight on Cole.The pants were too tight around coles waist and the sleeves were too short. Either the suite shrank or Cole is actually bigger at 7 than Wes was at 9.
Sunday started out as a great day. Wes got an offer to play in a really good baseball team and we were all excited to go watch Daddy play. We were even going to skip church and go since it was far away. At the last minute Daddy decided that he would rather spend the day with us and doing something Cole wanted to do. Wes has the kindest soul and and is the best husband and father to our children I could ever ask for ( Nana Kay, PawPaw and Pop Lee, you tought him well). He always thinks about everyone else before himself. I married the most AMAZING, WONDERFUL man with such a wonderful family and friends. So, We let Cole decide what he wanted to do and of course he wanted to go swimming and to see his cousins. We LOVE to go to Aunt Dars house on Sunday and go swimming. Cole doesn't get to see his cousins much so when we do, we take advantage of it. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon until things were at its worse. My sweet little Cole finally got up enough courage to jump off the diving board ( with floaties on). I was sooo proud of him. Aunt Dar was sitting on the float in the water while each kid took a turn. The first time Cole jumped, he did awesome. The next time was even better. He did a cannon ball! The third time my heart completely stopped. Cole ran down the diving board and jumped far off and hit the water BUT he did NOT pick his head up. He didn't move. He was a limp noodle. I thought for 1 second that he was just playing not even another second passed and I jumped in to get him as fast as I could. I don't think my heart was beating the whole time. I grabbed his arm and was pulling him to the side of the pool towards the ladder. Next thing I knew Wes was right behind me picking his head up out of the water. Wes clearly flew through the air to get to his son. When we got Cole to sit up on the side of the bench his eyes were open but he was not there. He was not responding to us until about 10 seconds later. He shook his head like he was shaking it off and was smileing from ear to ear with Wes and me standing in front of him. He couldn't remember anything execpt jumping off the diving board. Cole seemed just fine after he came too. He kept saying " Daddy, I got knocked out?". The only thing he remembers is jumping off the diving board and waking up out of the pool with Wes and I satnding in front of him asking him if he was ok.
This has had to be the most scariest thing in our lives. To see your child lying there lifeless. Today is Monday, 8.10.09 and all Wes and I can think about is our precious Cole lying there floating in the water. If anyone else had been there not watching him he probablly wouldn't be here today. I thank our Precious God everyday for giving me my life, my children, and my husband and for sending Angels to protect our precious Cole in that water.
This is our Cole-Train Crump.
7 yrs.old. We are so proud of him and everything he does.
Our God is good. I am so thankful He watched over your family that day. I know that you and Wes were scared to death. The feeling of losing your child is one the scariest things you will experience. (I've experienced it when all 3 of mine have had a seizure) Take care of those babies. Nothing is more precious.